Alon Shalev, Author of The Accidental Activist: On Tour

This post was most recently updated on January 22nd, 2012

Publisher: Three Clover Press

Date: November, 2010
Genre: Literary Fiction, Legal/ Political Thriller, Romance
Format: Paper & Kindle, 272 Pages

The Accidental Activist is a political courtroom confrontation between a multinational corporation and two young activists who manage to defend themselves using a new and emerging tool – the Internet.
 The Accidental Activist is a fictional account that closely parallels the famous McDonalds libel case, which captivated England through the 1990’s.  But it is also the transformation of a self-absorbed computer yuppie, motivated to act first by love and then by a belief in a better world.
The world can be changed, one megapixel at a time!
 “Focused on the real events of a libel case against McDonalds in the 1990s in London, “The Accidental Activist” uses reality to enrich the fiction and leads to a very entertaining read that pulls no punches or censors no events.”- Midwest Book Review
Classic underdog story mixed with romantic pursuit – a wonderfully suspenseful battle against The Machine. I also love British humor (any humor really), so I was delighted with the dialogue and narration. I highly recommend the book for anyone interested in activism, romance, England, computers, oil companies, oil spills, libel, court cases and life in general. It’s got something for everyone. I inhaled it in about two days and begrudgingly put it down to work, eat and sleep.“- Elizabeth Pinio, Review
 “I found this novel to be a stellar retelling of a true story. Inspired by the little guys taking on Big Corporation, giving it a different setting only serves to prove that the issue at hand is a universal one. Alon Shalev is an author who sets out to get the world thinking about the environment around them, one reader at a time. Am eagerly awaiting his next release. It was an easy read, great story flow and captivating throughout.”– Kymberlie “Gadget Junkie”, Review  
“Even though this book is fiction, it is based on a true story. It reads like a novel; it is engaging, we watch as the characters develop, and the ending is not obvious. It makes me curious to know the real story. It is clear that Mr. Shalev has researched his topic well. Can’t wait to read more of his work.”– Anne Lustig, Review
 “… a remarkable read because it is based on a court case that has happened and will most likely happen again.  The advent of the Internet as a tool for the individual to make a difference is a powerful and inspirational message.”-Robert Dugoni, Author of The Jury Master, The Cyanide Canary and Damage Control.

About Alon Shalev:

Alon Shalev has been a political activist since his early teens and believes that fiction can help create a better world. Shalev strives through his writing to highlight social and political injustice and to inspire action for change. A consistent theme that runs through Shalev’s novels is his characters’ capacity to become empowered to help create a better and more just world.
His novels, the latest being The Accidental Activist, all highlight a social injustice and provides everyday characters who discover that they can help make a difference. Shalev writes regularly for the popular blog Left Coast Voices at and facilitates the Berkeley Writer’s Group.
Alon’s Website.
Tour Dates:
 Me and reading Nov. 1 &  Nov. 2
alchemyofscrawl  Nov.3            
Books and Things  Nov. 4                    
Bound & Determined Nov. 7 & Nov. 8
Words I Write Crazy Nov. 9                   
Let’s Book It Nov.10 & Nov. 11
Butterfly-o-meter Books Nov. 14            
Alternate Readality Nov. 15                  
Book Spark Nov. 15
She Treads Softly Nov. 16 &Nov. 17th Nov. 18     
Ex Libris Nov. 21
So Many Precious Books Nov. 22         
Southern Fiber Reads Nov. 23 & Nov. 24
Books: Cheapest Vacation  Nov.25       
Reviews By Molly Nov. 30